Part 2: The Death of Traditional Video Script Writing

What is the definition of a perfect video ad script?

According to Social Media Examiner, a script will have your video move people to action.

…And that includes:

  • Grabbing attention.
  • Building interest.
  • Cultivating desire.
  • To create persuasion.
  • and adding a call to action.

Seems simple enough, right?

Let me tell you… if it was that simple to create an engaging video by incorporating the above elements and get said video to “move people to action”, all our videos will convert.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case in most instances. I see it in my Facebook newsfeed all the time.

Cheesy emoji driven video ads that look like a flashing neon light more than anything else.

The biggest giveaway is that I don’t see the ads for too long.

That indicates to me that the advertiser didn’t quite get the results they were after. So they had to stop running the ads.

Second to that, on some occasions when I get an enquiry from a potential client requesting my video ad creation services they say words along the lines of…

…could you make sure that the first 3 seconds grabs the attention of the viewers…” and, “…could you make the video engaging?…” which is fear enough…

…but that’s when they provide me with their self-written script expecting me to create a miracle of some sort to make their video automatically make money rain from the sky!

I get it. It isn’t your fault. All you want to do is make some sales. You’ve purchased some training and you’re just repeating what you were taught.

So, here lies the lesson… take notes as this is important…

The secret to creating a perfect video script starts with doing your homework and understanding your ideal customer. 

Then when you understand your ideal customer, convey your message by incorporating the above elements in a way that resonates.

There is a pattern of what works.

I’ve been creating videos for a decade now. From documentaries, interviewed music artists produced a news show and created numerous video adverts for multiple industries.

I’ve had the experience of having an inside look at multiple video advertising campaigns and what I’ve learned throughout my career is that the videos which work best are the ones that are driven by a compelling story.

All too often people want a quick fix so that they could get to the sexier part of running an advertising campaign, which is clicking the submit button for their ads to go live.

You’ve done the research, created your audiences, and gathered your keywords to test, why wouldn’t you spend the time to make sure your content really resonates?

Plus, there is a never-ending stream of guru marketers ready to teach the next hack and loophole.

It all leaves a very important element on the table that people gloss over…

That is being customer-focused.


… because it requires long-term vision and focus. Results aren’t typically “instant”. It’s not sexy.

I ask you, what would you rather…

Quick Profits or Long Term Growth?

When I frame it that way hopefully it’s a no brainer.

In case you haven’t noticed… times have changed.

The wild west is over cowboy (or cowgirl). Quick profits as a result of short-term tactics and loopholes built onto non-existent business models and forever crashing and burning.

Gone are the days of putting up crappy videos for your product and it is enough to get someone to take action.

The market is too competitive, too mature and too clever for you to get away with that in 2019.

Even the fancy-looking high production videos don’t produce good results like they use to. They just get a “that looks good”, and that’s it.

Fancy looking is no longer the prerequisite. It has to have substance. To connect. And it has to resonate.

Basically, it has to have a compelling story that elicits some type of emotion… and gets the viewer to take action.

This is why I loved the scriptwriting section in the explainer video course…

It teaches you how to craft a script that has emotion in the story.

It works great for explainer videos, but what I have done with it to make it work for shorter video ads for eCommerce allows it to work for your products and ultimately your business.

I massaged it down to the following formula:

P+S+H+C + S.U.C.C.E.S.S = High Converting Video!

What I discovered with this formula will blow your freakin’ socks off!

It not only puts all the right elements in the right places, but it also teaches you how to recognise where to add in emotion without it sounding all hype-y.

To learn how to create one of these scripts for your product without the need to be a copywriter or to hire one hit the “continue reading” button below because I lay it all out for you step-by-step (no opt-in required 🙂 )


Next: Part 3 (of 4)